Green power gym


Move smart!

In everyday language, the term “core” is a collective term for the muscles of the trunk.

More specifically, it is the set of muscles and connective tissue elements in the immediate area of the lumbar spine and pelvis. It includes several muscles, but those that are given special attention during training are the diaphragm, oblique abdominis, internal and external obliques, rectus abdominis, multifidus, spinal extensors, lumbar deep muscles, broad back muscles, gluteus maximus and pelvic floor muscles. This is where it differs from spinal training.
The primary function of the core muscles is to provide stability and to act as a power transmission centre for the body without energy leakage. We don’t need to think of Olympic weightlifting right now.We need only look at the everyday example of walking home with shopping bags and a baby in hand, only to have the house keys fall out of our hands in the doorway.Yes, we must bow down for it! In most cases, the weight of the child in our hands rarely matches the weight of the bag hanging on the fingertips of our other hand. In short, there is no symmetrical load. The core muscles coordinate a person’s spine, ribs and pelvis during movement to resist a given force, whether static or dynamic.This type of workout teaches you to stabilise and engage your muscles in a timed sequence to make that simple key lift off the ground a happy one.
Another example. Due to our comfortable but unhealthy sedentary lifestyle, our gluteal muscles are stretched, inhibited and therefore unable to do their job.One of the causes of lower back pain is inactive gluteal muscles. Because if it can’t do its job, for example lifting the leg backwards, the muscles of the lumbar spine come in and help the gluteus maximus.However, because of the amnesia of the gluteus maximus (the name of the phenomenon when the gluteus maximus is inhibited), sooner or later the spinal extensor becomes overloaded and is more easily damaged.In the training sessions, we perform mobility, gluteal activation and elongation in different postures, limb movements, in stable and then unstable environments, aiming at motor learning and quality of movement.Finally, to whom are we recommend these? For everyone!